Comparison of Virtual and Conventional Colonoscopy

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Featured Article

Fenlon HM, Nunes DP, Schroy III PC et al: A comparison of Virtual and Conventional Colonoscopy for the Detection of Colorectal Polyps. NEJM 1999; 341: 1496-1503

Expert Reviews

Methodological Reviewer: Mark Taylor MD,FACS, Department of Surgery, University of Manitoba
Clinical Reviewer: Zane Cohen MD, FRCSC, FACS, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

Supplementary Articles

Jaeschke R, Guyatt GH, Sackett DL: for the Evidence Based Medicine Working Group. Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature. III. How to Use an Article about a Diagnostic Test. A. JAMA 1994 Feb 2; 271(5): 389-391

Jaeschke R, Guyatt GH, Sackett DL: for the Evidence Based Medicine Working Group. Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature. III. How to Use an Article about a Diagnostic Test. B. JAMA 1994 Mar 2; 271(9): 703-707


Please read the provided articles and be prepared to discuss the following:

  1. What is the clinical question being asked?
  2. Is this a question of diagnosis or screening?
  3. Was there an independent, blind comparison to a gold standard test?
  4. Did the patient sample include an appropriate spectrum of patients?
  5. Did the results of the test being evaluated influence the decision to perform the gold standard test?
  6. Were the methods for performing the test adequately described?
  7. Were likelihood ratios for the test results presented or data necessary for their calculation provided?
  8. Will the reproducibility of the test results be satisfactory in my setting?
  9. Are the results applicable to my patients?
  10. Will the results change my management?
  11. Will patients be better off as a result of the test?
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